The Underbrain
Saturday, July 15, 2006
  Castoff from my New Story
It didn't fit, and it's too bad.

It's a fucked-up thing to write, and in some ways I feel better not including it. But it's stuck in me, all the same. So I give it a little home here.

"It's funny the way that the head and the hands float like an aura around the rest of the body—the vulgar body under those three high points. When I was a kid I drew a picture of a naked corpse—a woman's body—missing its head, its hands, its feet. Actually, it would have been fine to keep the feet. It was an overtly sexualized picture—one of my first—as well as a first stab at desiring women in the ways I’d seen it done in movies (naked, dead, left only to body.) I knew the picture was wrong, so I kept it hidden. I didn't like it at all. Eventually I must have thrown it away, or hidden it so well that I lost track of it."
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There are three wildernesses in the head; truly losing oneself is a nested process. It's also terribly deliberate.

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

I live in Seattle. I write stories; I teach English.

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